日本財団 図書館


?@Indacin (Indomethacin capsules 25 mg)
?AInteban SP (Sustained-release indomethacin capsules 25 mg)
Indomethacin has potent analgesic/anti-inflammatory effects as well as antipyrefic and antirheumalic effects. Product B is a sustained-release preparation of indomethacin which has a sustained analgesic effect.
indicafiorts: Relief of pain associated with wounds (e.g., sprains and fractures), back pain, joint pain, gout, muscular pain, neuralgia, and toothache.
Dosage: ?@&?A25 mg (1 tablet) 1-3 times daily immediately after or during meals. When administered between meals, these drugs should be taken together with a snack, milk, or antacid to prevent gastric damage.
Precautions: 1. Indomethacin must not be administered to patients with gastric or duodenal ulcer.
2. Attention should be paid to the possible occurrence ot gastric pain, itching, rash, and generalized edema as well as peptic ulcer. Indomethacin may also cause headache, dizziness, and hepatic and renal damage.
3. Individuals predisposed to gastric disorders can use a suppository preparation of indomethacinEven when using the suppository, attention should be paid to the possible occurrence of the adverse reactions to indomethacin.
Storage: In a tightly-closed container.


Combined drugs
?@Naron Ace (lbuprofen/Ethenzamide tablets)
?AEve (Ibuprofen/Arylisopropylacetylures tablets)
?BNew Sedes (Ethenzamide/Acetaminophen tablets)
?CBenza Ace (combined drug capsules)
Products ?@, ?A and ?B contain antipyretic/analgesic substances, while Product ?C also contains an antihistamine, caffeine, and an antitussive.
Indications: ?@,?A&?BRelief of headache, toothache, pain associated with sprains, bruises, and fractures, muscular pain, back pain, and neuralgia. Antipyresis. ?CA cold remedy indicated tor the relief of flu-like symptoms (nasal discharge, nasal obstruction, sneezing, cough, sputum, chills, fever, headache, joint pain, and muscular pain).
Dosage: ?@,?A&?B2 tablets 3 times daily after meals. ?C3 capsules 3 times daily after meals.
Precautions: These combined drugs may cause anorexia, nausea, and gastric pain.


Atropine derivatives
?@Buscopan (Scopolamine butyibromide tablets 10 mg)
?ASparicon (Scopolamine butylbromide tablets 10 mg)
Scopolamine butyibromide (an atropine derivative) alleviates gastric, intestinal, cholecystic, ureteral, and vesical spasm, and also relieves colicky pain.
Indications: Relief of pain associated with urinary calculus, gallstone disease, intestinal colic, gastritis, enteritis, cholecystitis / cholangitis, and cystitis. Control of hyperactivity of these organs.
Dosage: ?@?A10-20 mg (1-2 tablets) 3-5 times daily.
Precautions: 1. Scopolamine butyibromide may cause diplopiac double vision, headache, rash, orthostatic hypotension, transient tachycardia, dry mouth, and micturition disorders.
2. During use of the drug, the patient must not be engaged in potentially hazardous activities.
3. Individuals who have difficulty in taking drugs orally can use a suppository preparation of scopolamine butylbromide. Even when the suppository is used, attention should be paid to the possible occurrence of the known adverse reactions to scopolamine butylbromide.
Storage: At room temperature.


?@Captoril (Captopril tablets 12.5 mg)
?ARenivace (Enalapril maleate tablets 2.5 mg)
Captopril normalize high blood pressure by dilating the peripheral blood vessels through inhibition of the production of a pressor substance.
Indications: Hypertension (essential hypertension and renal hypertension)
Dosage: ?@12.5-25 mg (1-2 tablets) 3 times daily. ?A5 mg (2 tablets) once or twice daily.
Precautions: The most frequent adverse reactions to the Captopril are dry cough, rash and itching. Less frequent adverse reactions include headache, dizziness, anorexia, and diarrhea.
Storage: At room temperature.




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